Our Trainings and Workshops.


End Sexual Harassment and Stop Rape Culture Training

This workshop is designed to provide the audience with understandings of how our identities intersect with gender-based violence. Not only will participants learn the facts about sexual assault as an identity based violence, they will learn how to address the myths that surround rape, and upstand in a culture that denies the experiences of survivors to excuse this violence. During this workshop, participants will learn how to point survivors towards resources, be a resource themselves, and intervene as a by-stander to interrupt dangerous situations.

Domestic Violence Education

This training is for individuals, groups, and organizations. This training will provide the audience with tools to identify unhealthy communication and relationship patterns while pointing to how to use community resources that aid in a safe escape. During this workshop, participants will be able to practice strategies of how to intervene as bystanders and learn how to point survivors towards accessing safe networks of support. 



This course is for individuals, groups, and organizations. We will learn: What is the difference between gender, sex, and sexuality? How do we support those we know and love who are LGBTQ identifying? Whether we are at work, school, or in our home, being a social justice advocate can be hard but truly centering Solidarity means showing up to address violence in our everyday lives and not just showing up en masse. During this workshop we will share strategies for showing up for the LGBTQ people you know and love.

Black Lives Are Cherished

Let us work with you, your team, or organization to facilitate better collaboration and communication across backgrounds. Facilitators will guide as we take an in depth look at race and anti-black racism to help participants identify the need to intervene as an ally against anti-blackness. These workshops will provide participants with real strategies to engage with anti-racist work in their everyday lives. During this workshop we will create space for community discussion, work with realistic examples, and provide strategies for talking back to racism and standing up whether it’s at work, at home, or in public. Join us in shaking off some of the discomfort and tension around uncomfortable conversations to gain a better understanding of how to relate to those around you.

Implicit Bias Education

This series is for individuals, groups, and organizations. Standing in solidarity can mean doing the work to address racism, sexism, homophobia, and ableism in your everyday lives. Whether that is at work, school, or in your home, being a social justice advocate can be hard and even social justice minded people have implicit biases. This workshop will provide an overview of the concept of implicit bias. We will provide examples and discuss how participants in various parts of their social justice journey can be aware of their own implicit biases.