How we began.


Black Brown Loud N Proud was founded to provide accessible resources and communities of continuing support for ongoing educational growth. With an ethics of community-minded care and financial stewardship, Black Brown Loud and Proud aims to provide initiatives that will create pathways for ongoing community education regardless of ability, educational background, or disposable income. We are an intersectional collective. This means we are a pro-black, pro-queer, pro-woman, and ability-centered organization without borders. Black Brown Loud N Proud intentionally strives to use an emergent strategy, which means we choose to build community relationships with neighborhoods while allowing formations towards full liberation to arise organically.

Through an ethics of radical care we strive towards progression and growth in our execution of our intentions.

Meet Our Founders.


Our founders began as instructors of African American Studies and Women Studies at the University of Alabama. At the University level so many barriers existed to entry that excluded BIPOC communities and so many limitations are present to building a cohesive social justice community that few of us remain in touch with a source of support or professional network post graduation. In order to provide greater access and establish sustainable community they founded Black Brown Loud N Proud which we envision as a community of care, a source of accurate well-researched information on social justice, a place for elders and the youth to commune sharing wisdom, and a professional network of lightworkers.

Conferences We’ll Be Attending!

SEWSA 2024

Are you attending as well? Go to Contact Us if you think we should attend presentations together as a group well as arrange for discussions afterwards over dinner or brunch! We’d love to see you there, and we’ll reach out via email as conference time nears to coordinate.

Confidence comes from within — and we’re here to help you activate it.

Chat with us!

We’re ready to listen to and support you now:)